The Magical Creatures in Harry's world are: Acromantula: A gigantic spider, that is capeable of human speech. Hagrid raised one named Aragog, that now lives in the Forbiden forest (see Wizard places). They are very strong and dangerous. Banshee: A dark creature with floor legth bhlack hair that is a resemblence to a women but with a boney, green-tinted face. Seamus Finnigan is terrified of banshess. Boarhound: A large dog, used for hunting wild boars. Hagrid has one named Fang. Blast-Ended Skrewt: They are a cross between fire crabs and manticors. Basilisk: A large, fearsome, deadly beast that roams the land. Although there is one that is even more deadly, the King of serpents, wich has venomaus fangs, a murderous stare and live to be more than 100 years! Boomslang: An african snake with very deadly venom. Sometimes used for polyjuice potion (see spells). Centaur: they are creatures, that live in the Forbiden forest they are half human and half donkey (I think, if not E-mail me). Cornish pixies: They are electric blue, and very, very rude. Unicorn: They are just like horses except with a horn on there head, there blood is silver. Blood-Sucking Bugbear Cats Cockatrice Chamealeon Ghouls: Pretend to be suits of armor Dementors: Ugly dead looking creatures in hoods that gaurd Azkaban (see places) Double-ended newts dragons: Welsh Green Hebirdian Blacks Norwegian Ridgeback Hungarian Horntail Sweedish Short-Snout Chinese Fireball Fairies Ferrets Fire-Crabs Flesh-eating slug Flobberworms Ford Anelina: Bewitched and now lives in The Forbidden Forest Giant Squid: lives lazily in the lake Gnomes: Crookshanks chases them Giants: Hagrid is half giant Furballs Giant turantula goblins: short, swarthy, pointed beard Hellhound: three headed dog Hags: eat little kids Hinky Punks:lures travelers into bogs, has one leg Hippogriff:half bird, half horse Horned Toads Pegasus: winged horses, drink singel malt whisky House-Elf Kappas: look like scaly monkeys MerPeople: REALY UGLY Pheonix Rats: some have magical powers Ravens Nifflers Manticore Leprechaun Kelpies Rabbit: fat and turns into top hat Puffskien: custurd colored, humm loudly Veela: Make men/boys go googly eyed and also turn into scary, fire throwing bird like creatures with scaley wings Wereworlf Red Caps: small, goblin like creatures Salamander: Fire dwelling lizards Snails: poisonus, orange colored Snakes Sphinx Spiders Toads Tortoise: gigantic, has jewell encrusted shell Trolls Vampire Yeti